
Fixed Income Report

26 Juni 2020

Construction Sector Update 26 June 2020

CONSTRUCTION SECTOR UPDATE   Waiting for Further Confirmation   Covid-19 Pandemic Likely to Delay New Contract New contract.....

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18 Juni 2020

Automotive Sector Update 18 June 2020

Hitting Rock Bottom   Business Activities are Obstructed by the Outbreak Vehicle sales and productions are hampered due to the Covid-19.....

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16 Juni 2020

Property Sector Update 16 June 2020

PROPERTY SECTOR UPDATE   Preparing to Face "New Normal"   Property Sales Decreased during Covid-19 Pandemic Property sales shown a.....

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09 Juni 2020

Plantation Sector Update 09 June 2020

Welcoming Seasonality Return!   Global Issues Deflate Stock Price Following the dimming market condition, with JCI at the level of 4,947.78.....

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02 Juni 2020

Telecommunication Sector Update 02 June 2020

Presenting an Attractive Entry Point   Managed to Strengthen the Roots Most of our telco operator (the big 3) shows a positive growth of.....

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14 Mei 2020

Banking Sector Update 14 May 2020

Striving in the Winding Road   Credit Growth Remains Sluggish in FY20E Loan growth continues to show a slowing trend until Dec-2019, reaching.....

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13 Mei 2020

Banking Sector Update - Bottom Fishing

Kali ini, kami dari tim research institusi MNCS akan membahas pergerakan emiten-emiten perbankan yang kami perkirakan masih akan cenderung terkoreksi.....

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11 Mei 2020

MNCS Investment Strategy 11 May 2020

How Low MAY You Go? - Part 1   Economic Downturn Could Set Stage for Rough First Half 2020 JCI posted a -27.02% YTD decline in May 08, 2020.....

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08 Mei 2020

CPO Sector Update - Stay Alert

Pada report sektoral kali ini, kami dari tim research institusi MNCS akan membahas mengenai pergerakan harga Crude Palm Oil (CPO) ditengah pandemi.....

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07 April 2020

MNCS Investment Strategy 07 April 2020

Roller-Coaster Ride: Sell on News!   Crazy Upswing as if everything’s Alright? DJIA, S&P and JCI Index have increase by.....

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